Monday, January 27, 2014

Breed Profile - Bernese Mountain Dog

I know you all have been loving the pictures of Ziva on facebook. Isn't she a cutie?
She is a 5 month old Bernese Mountain Dog puppy, although she definitely has an old soul.
The Bernese Mountain Dog is one of the four varieties of Swiss Mountain Dogs. Nicknamed Berners, they were originally bred as working farm dogs because of their strength and calm, even temperaments.

Berners require consistent obedience training, and need a decent amount of exercise. Because of their long hair and double coat, they require weekly brushing and will leave hair all over the house. Males can weight between 80 and 110 pounds, with females just slightly smaller.

They make wonderful family dogs and are great with children, but would be much happier in a house with a large backyard than in an apartment.

I can't speak for all Bernese Mountain Dog puppies, but Ziva at least is quite well-behaved. We joke around and say "Ziva, you're a puppy! Act like a puppy!" She loves to be crazy for a few minutes and then sits demurely by the side of the playgroup, watching the craziness unfold around her.
And of course, she LOVES to be outside. Even in this winter's unusual cold, we still have to grab her collar and lead her back inside.


  1. I had a friend run across a picture of Ziva on your page asking what kind of dog she is. Now I can share! She is definitely one of the cutest puppies ever.
