Puggles have been quite popular lately at Pet U, so I couldn't think of a better breed for our 2nd Breed Profile. If you didn't pick it up from the name, a Puggle is a mix between a Pug and a Beagle.
As the Puggle is not yet officially recognized as a breed, there is no uniformity among the dogs.
Puggle puppies can have any combination of the parent’s characteristics, and even puppies within the same litter can have completely different appearances and temperaments.
In general, they have a slightly less wrinkly face than a Pug, and a slightly stockier body than a Beagle. They often keep the beagle howl, and share the easy-going friendly attitude of both breeds.
Puggles make ideal apartment dogs because of their low to moderate activity levels. A quick brush once a week is enough to keep their coat clean, although be aware that they do shed a lot. They are smart dogs, but both Pugs and Beagles are known for being stubborn, so most likely your Puggle will be too.
Here in daycare, we have 4 Puggles: Barkley, Stosh, Chazz and Dee. They are all are great with the other dogs, and very friendly. They are among the first daycare dogs to run out of energy, and then enjoy a great cuddle session to round out the day. Chazz and Dee, the tan and black dogs on the bench, are brother and sister. They spend the day together and have a great time racing around and wrestling!