Everybody has done it: you just noticed your dog chewing on your shoes and you angrily say “Jack! Come here! Bad dog!” You’ve just made him associate ‘come’ with a negative reaction, so the next time you call him he is less likely to respond.
Dogs learn from everything. When the two of you are together, whether it is intentional or not, he is learning. So, the next time you call your dog to you, follow these guidelines to make sure you are not unintentionally teaching him to stay away from you.
1. Dogs have a very short window for connecting a behavior to a reward or punishment. Never follow the come command with a negative correction. By the time your dog reaches you, the window is over. He now has no idea why you’re mad at him, other than that he just came up to you and you punished him for it.
Instead, be happy when he returns to you, and reward him appropriately! Leave the punishment for another time, when you can correct him within his window.
2. Until your dog is 100% guaranteed to return to you every single time you call him, don’t let him off leash. Each time you call him and he doesn't respond, that confirms for him that he really doesn't have to listen to you after all.
Instead, if you are letting him loose in the dog park or at the beach, attach a long leash. When you go to call him, grab the end of the leash and give a correction if he doesn't listen.
3. If you call for your pup and he doesn't respond, don’t chase after him. By chasing after him, you are making it a game, which has now rewarded him for not coming when called.
Instead, ignore him. That way, you are reinforcing the idea that attention and rewards come when he finally comes back to you.
A few weeks ago I talked about focus work as a way to build the bond between you and your dog. This is a terrific game to reinforce the ‘come’ command. Focus work teaches your pup that there is nothing better in the world than being with you, and once your dog understands this, he will come running every time you call.

These Pet U pups both look happy to see me!
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