Wow, what a busy month! We had 20 new students join us, so clearly something we're doing is working! A huge shout out and thanks to all of our wonderful clients who have referred friends and helped to promote our business. You guys rock!
Piper - GSD
Piper - GSD

Bella - Mini Australian Shepherd

Rocky - Lab

Sam - This is Megan's pup!

Ginger - Doberman Pinscher

Harlan - Welsh Springer Spaniel

Billly - Beagle

Jax - Rotteweiler

Jax - Rotteweiler

Olive - Boxer

Auzzy - Mini Australian Shepherd

Thumper - Poodle mix

Blue - Standard Poodle

Cappy - Standard Poodle

Max - GSD

Cooper - Standard Schnauzer

Gator - Black Lab mix

Lucy - Labradoodle

Charlie - Labradoodle

Shyla - Siberian Husky

Pictures Coming soon for:

Pictures Coming soon for:
Buddy - Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Oz - Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Hailey - Ally's LabOz - Pembroke Welsh Corgi
I need to meet Olive!