All new boarding clients will get this print-out to take home with them, but for many of our long-time clients this can be a great refresher as well!
Boarding your dog can be an adventure in its own right, so here is a brief rundown of what to expect so you can keep yourself sane and your pup happy during his own mini-vacation.
Before you board:
- For new clients, we recommend bringing your dog to daycare at least once before he starts boarding. Your dog gets a chance to meet the Poochfessors, sniff around the building, make some great friends, and is then reassured when you pick him up at the end of the day. Then, when he comes back to board he will feel right at home and ready to play!
When you drop him off:
- Pack an overnight bag for him - pre-bag enough food for his whole stay, and feel free to include bones, treats or toys as well. (A great treat for his first night can be a kong filled with peanut butter.) Include his bed, blanket or anything he sleeps with at home (but be warned that it might get peed on or ripped up, so don't send anything with sentimental value or that cost you a fortune.)
- Please label your dog's belongings - especially towels, blankets or food buckets.
- We will have you pay your balance up front when you drop your dog off. That way at the end of your trip the only thing you need to worry about is how many kisses your dog is going to give you.
- Like us on Facebook so you can see pictures of all the new friends he makes during his stay.
- Be mindful that your dog will be playing up a storm while he is here. Our playgroups allow full access to outside at all times, and we keep the dogs busy! During the summer we have pools and in the winter they love rolling in the snow, so they might be a little dirty by the end of their stay. Simply let us know if you would like to add on a bath, so that your dog will go home smelling fresh and clean and ready for a good cuddle session!
When you pick him up:
- Your dog will be playing up a storm with other dogs as well. Keep in mind that dogs do play with their teeth and nails, and while we are always on the look-out for inappropriate play styles, the occasional scratch can happen. It's just like when your toddler takes a tumble on the playground - it's nothing serious, sometimes they just have a little too much fun! We will always notify you of any scratches your dog received while boarding with us.
- Please don't be alarmed if your dog drinks more than normal or has a large appetite when he gets home. For many dogs, boarding can be a stressful experience, especially if it is their first time. Dogs can show stress by not eating or drinking, although there is always be plenty of food and water available.
Now that you know what to expect while your dog is with us, you can rest easy and enjoy vacation and know that your pup is doing the same! Feel free to give us a call to check in while you're gone as well!

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